I run in circles. When I was competing in triathlon, I ran the half mile loop around our collegiate football stadium – sometimes for hours. When construction started, I moved my running to another half mile loop that had a bit more variety.
I started to invite others to join me. I got my first follower, soon followed by my second follower. Today, fourteen people showed up despite it being 22 degrees with a windchill in the lower teens.
The team is free and our participants vary. We have walkers to elite runners. People in their 20’s to people approaching retirement. Beginner to someone that qualified for the Olympic Marathon trials. I start our program at 6:10am but most of the team warms up earlier. We gather at the start and I attempt to impart some training wisdom and a bit of humor. After those nuggets, I present the training session. Each session for specific for different goals and abilities.
This team has made me a better coach. A handful of the athletes pay me for individual coaching (discounted for local folks). I love having the opportunity to look each of these athletes in the eye before our training sessions. If any red flags pop up, I change their session.
Believe it or not, high achievers in life and sport, will fake it until they make it. In person coaching allows me to see where they are on a given day.
I am so grateful to coach in person. It is a privilege to share the joys, the struggles, the failures and the triumphs together. I get to experience years of athletes development rather than a season. And I love it.
I *often* get my training done at the same time. The exceptions are key interval sessions when I know the observer effect makes a difference.
One of the things that has been remarkable to me is that we have developed a very strong men’s team. They are Dad’s first. They love training together while forming lifetime friendships. They push each other during practice and support each other off of it.
If you need some motivation and/or some people time consider starting a team. Pick a short half mile loop! I know it seems redundant but no one gets lost and everyone is supported regardless of their speed. Find something lit and safe for the women on the team. And be patient. Find your first follower. Then your second. In time you will have a community.
No easy way!